
As long as I can remember, music has been an integral part of my life. From writing and singing juvenile songs as a child, to playing various instruments in bands over the years, to producing records, I feel blessed to have been given an ear for music. I continually have the pleasure and privilege of working with incredibly talented people, as well as some of the most interesting, TV-ready characters one may ever hope to meet.

As I was growing up, the mysteries surrounding my favorite bands’ and musicians’ day-to-day activities in the music industry was a topic of much conversation amongst friends, and one of the reasons I chose to pursue and eventually earn college degrees in my field. I always wanted to know how it all worked. How did all the puzzle pieces fit together? Who were the people making decisions? How did they get to be the ones to do it? What was really going on when Nirvana got signed?

If you’re reading this, i probably means that you find what I have to say at least somewhat interesting, and for that I am grateful. Please feel free to call on me when your next project comes around!